Window Sweating
Why Do Windows Sweat?
Window sweating (water literally running down your windows and moistening your window frames & sills) is largely due to one simple, but annoying reason…excess humidity. Both newer homes and older homes can experience window sweating, with newer (and more air-tight) homes seeing the worst cases of this. Newer homes are built out of a variety of materials like cement and wood, which in reality, require 12-18 months to completely dry, but with eager new homebuyers that prefer to move in right away, humidity levels can climb higher than if the home was completely dried out. Older homes tend to have little nooks and crannies that allow minimal air ventilation, which is good in some respects, but they are not overly energy efficient. With increased humidity comes windows that drip sweat, so addressing what and why there is too much humidity in a specific room, is a top priority. Mildew and mold can grow in and around windows that are prone to sweating, which is unhealthy to breathe in, as some mold spores are air born.
How to Identify It

What to Do About It

How to Prevent It
During colder months, when window sweating usually occurs, using a dehumidifier will help out greatly with lowering the humidity levels in rooms. If you are already taking precautions against humidity and are properly venting your home, then you should take a closer look at the current state of your windows. Older windows tend to become drafty and worn out, which could be the direct result of additional humidity, so giving your current windows a ‘makeover’ with assistance from our friendly window specialists, will possible help regain some of that lost performance. Even using storm windows throughout the colder months will have a good impact on this problem. New windows should not be ruled completely out however, as they are engineered and manufactured to address condensation and window leaking issues, as well as a tighter fitting window seals & framing to keep out the cold temperatures in the winter or let the warm air in during summer.