Window Replacement Etobicoke
Window Installation
You are ready to get rid of those windows in your home, cottage or office that are no longer ‘doing their job’, but where do you begin with
finding the ideal replacements? You have already taken the best first step, looking to our window specialists to help you with window replacement
Etobicoke! Our company takes pride in our environmentally conscious manufacturing practices, in-depth installation processes and walking our
customers through each step of purchasing new windows. The switch from old to new is easier than you think, as we have the know-how and expertise
to guide you along in your decision-making process. From the types of windows that would serve your home well and for years to come, to the type
of framing & casing that would be a great match, to the glass performance and energy efficiency, you will be able to make your choices more
Window Styles
After surpassing all the technical ‘stuff’ about your new windows, you will have a whole new world to explore, as far as framing options
(vinyl, wood, fibreglass, composite or aluminium), colour palettes and window styles. This is when many people choose to be creative and have
some fun! Combining more than one window type presents the chance to have a unique and ‘special to you’ windows set up in your home, so
customizing your new windows can really have its perks! Mixing fixed windows with operational windows can not only be more energy efficient,
but it creates expansive panes to increase the intake of natural light.
Windows Options
There are a few different types of windows that individually offer unique aspects and varying ‘looks’. When it comes to window replacement
Etobicoke, you may want to think about how you want a specific room to feel, do you want to just lighten it up or, do you want good air flow
(or both)? Some windows slide horizontally like older, traditional windows (single slider windows & double slider windows), or, you can opt for
windows that hand crank open with the panes opening into the home (single hung windows and double hung windows). Larger windows like bay
windows and bow windows can incorporate fixed panes of glass with other operational windows like casement windows (casement windows are
very versatile and are commonly chosen by builders and homeowners for their durability, functionality, energy efficiency and sleek designs). Awning
windows are a big hit for their hand crank function that opens the pane outwards, creating an awning effect to deflect rain, high winds and snow.
For a fixed pane in the middle, but working windows on both the left and the right, is how end vent slider windows perform.
Windows Performance
The most energy efficient windows trending today have an ENERGY STAR® certification, but there are other ratings to consider too. There are
labels & certifications on windows to specifically show which of the three Canadian climate zones the windows are designed and manufactured for,
and some windows have a STC rating (sound transmission class) sound blocking rating, (thicker laminated glass & large air gaps between panes to
filter and block sounds). The glass in the window panes have a few different options through the manufacturing processes… there are different types
of glazing for the glass, some which can reduce solar heat and some that can increase solar heat from the suns rays (tinted glass absorbs natural
heat from the sun and reflective coatings reduce the natural heat from the sun). Metal or metallic oxide layers deposited directly onto the
surface of the glass to control heat transfer through windows with insulated glazing.

Window After Care & Maintenance
Windows that are purchased with all the bells and whistles for energy efficiency, functionality & style, and with regular upkeep, that initial
investment and the investment of your time, will allow your windows to work at peak performance. Gentle soaps, warm water, soft rags and gentle
glass cleaner are all you need to prep your windows for an oncoming season (cleaning should occur 4 times a year). It is very important to rinse
away any soaps & cleaners very well, to ensure that there is no residue left to damage any parts of your windows. Never use any harsh chemicals,
scratchy cloths or sponges and do not use acidic solutions like vinegar, bleach or ammonia.